( pfffft... putrajaya. that is way too far from kl >.< ) and at last, headed to malls to buy my things before i migrate ( ? ) to shah alam. ( huhu.. ) it werent the malls i used to go before, they were old old old malls that chose by my dad coz of the discount we can get there. ( ugh.. ) and what to expect, the shirts were way not for me as they seemed looked like a bunch of old old old stocks fabrics. ( jahat nye haku. huhu.. ) bought some shirts and trousers, went lunch at my family's favorite restaurant, again, Omar Khayyam Restaurant ( i guess i spell it right ) and got charged rm78+ again. ugh thats way too much money to spend on foods to be eaten by 3 people i guess. then, we continued walking into utama and sogo to buy my things. again. went back in the late evenin.
i dont know what is my feeling now as tomorrow i will be a degree student in uitm shah alam, new friends to be met ( i wish.. ) new room to be cozied of ( for sure ) and... the real thing is every single thing is new to me. what will happen tomorrow i still dont want to know. with the damn striking purple color shirt ( shirt that my dad chose for me to wear on this day >.< ) and the hair, ughhh i dont know what will happen to my appearance tomorrow. i bet people will just stare at me like monsters. i wish, ill have another TESL A-typed-people there accompany me there. and my closest friends like in UiTM Kuantan to be my buddies.
whatever it is, its time to sleep. good night.