" happy birth..day to.. you
happy birth..day to.. you
happy birrrthhday..
happy birthday..
happy birthday to you... "
cmane kalau aku kate lagu epi besday lgu sedih bg aku? haha..for me, it is. lagi2 kalau aku nyanyi sorang2 dgn tempo slow. ( konon sdap la ko nyanyi afe? huhu.. ) mengom eh ? tp... ak ske. =)
semalam 2 mac, jadi semalam tarikh aku melompat atas bumi ni. besday kali ni, the best day aku pnah had in life. for sure, xkan aku lupe sampai bila2.
( walopun pagi tu xde a big hug from my mom. huhu.. )
stiap besday aku yang lepas2, bile bangun tdo je mesti my mom akn peluk aku kuat2 macam nak mati aku and nyanyi lagu epi besday, gerak2 sane sini while aku masih mamai lagi. haha.. kengkadang aku lari sebab tak nak baju skola yang aku iron malam tu 'konyok' pas kne pelukan maut tu. haha.. ibu pun just call je pagi tu wish me besday. call. =) tp kali ni, laen. laen sgt.
awal pagi tu, noreen gave me a teddy bear. ( tu je lh satu2 nye adiah i got for my besday this year walopun mmg dirancang tuka teddy bear. ) haha.. at least i got somethin instead of an accident past years. a post from maryam's blog made me smile. like that post damn much. and the song too. lam kul 11.57 - 12am++ tuh ramai dah yang wish kengkawan terapat. zura, abyan, maryam and the group antara yang first wish to me. syaz pun siap 'terkam' aku dari pintu tuh. haha..
final drama. tu ah event yang kebetulan on tarikh tu. final drama yang kitorang TESL A ( class yang paling memorable to me for life! ) da belatih giler2 together. 2 mac nih, pagi2 lagi aku dah dpt wish dr classmates tecayang aku sblom naek bas while pakai baju pengantin nih. haha.. perform drama kat Taman Budaya ramai2, at last dapat 1st place the best play. terkejut yang amat. yang penting feedbacks bebudak nih kate 'aku respek ah ko', 'aliff hot!!', 'two tumbs up, aliff!' wat aku gelak sendiri. dah la line pn silap sebut. kne flirt ngan dila plak atas stage. tapi.. TESL A the best. =)

gambar kita.. =)
while judges nak decide the winners, abyan sang us a song again and wished me and noreen a happy birthday. together with a birthday song by everyone. muka aku merah. u guys sangat sweet. ( me know maryam yang suruh byan wish me kat dpan tu. haha.. ) at the end, guys wat performance lagu 'pergi' lagi for all. kime tarik aku naek atas join jugak. tears all over my face. lagu tu sgt bagi kesan kat aku. huih malu btol.. balik UiTM Padang Lalang, sesi fotografi dgn TESL A n me went to sleep.
petang tu kitorang kua kononnye nk celebrate besday, ngatkan makan2 je kat McD, last2 sejibik Deli Country's cheese cake diorang surprise kan aku. makan dngan nasi lemak plak tu. haha.. watkan me remember my mom and dad yang ske cheese cake damn much.. a card from them. capturing photos here and there together. i do look sucks in the photos like always. haha.. thanks syaz, aizat, naz, maryam, dila, miejah, bell. kalau xde nama2 tu i dont know how to survive here at first. but, TESL A, thanks a lot lot lot like hell. for sure, i dont know how to smile if i wasnt put in that group. riz went back to campus without celebrating my birthday. haih. dah2 merapu. esok ade 'A' Day Out plak n assignment x wat lagi + x bace lagi for test hahaha...

cheese cake surprise yang sdap. hek3.. =)
guys, thanks a world for everythin. =)
p/s : happy birthday to noreen, dauh and raje.
uihhh.. post tu kire hadiah la ye.hee ^ ^
ReplyDeletepsp, 10years.....~~~~
ps; ur mom is sooo cool!!! n shweeet =)
at least u dpt terkaman maut dari syaz.. hehe
ok psp from u then. waitin!
ReplyDeleteyeah my mom always so kool. :P
yea silly syaz. hu3..
xyah wait xyah wait...
ReplyDeleteuwaaa..hbisla duit gue~~~
xpe2. susah2 je. me waitin till that time. yeah! :P
ReplyDeletexnk bli kn alip psp :P