somtin never happened to myself jumped over me.
[ btol la word 'hiba' tu kan. hu3..]
dngan jayanye aku bangun tido, my head juz think of one thing sampai meleret2..
dont know why, my head was just like rewinding all the times i spent with all of them, started from the day madam shima's game;
"introducing our own self n kne ingat bout sume org till our own turn."
until... create imaginasi aku sendiri camane keadaan nye bila the moment tiba. 19th march. the last day we are together. aku bygkan mate sorang2 merah cam ari official last class for us tuh. aku senyum. aku senyum terpikir betapa sweet nye diorang.
yeah.. diorang yang ak pikir. a group of TESL A.
bukak n79 music player, tekan play. tetibe kua lagu Destiny. sigh..
please God, extend some time for us here. im not ready yet. tetibe mate aku berair. sigh..
aku pikir betapa mengongnye aku tetibe je camtuh, trus bangun. in my head nk update blog. bace updates. abyan's post sambungkan 'ke-sorrow-an' feeling lg. haha..
[ weyh, u r a guy not a girl, afe! idiot! ]
and.. here i am.
p/s : tesl A, u are the best gift Dia bg kat aku. =')

the gift
happy 4 u, having such wonderful ppl =)
ReplyDeletesomtimes i was ignored but its okay.. huhu
ReplyDeleteu are never ignored by me okay aliff!
ReplyDeletesorry for my jiwang post if it made u feel jiwang too.
i love u and the rest of the family. :')
ak pon turut ase cdey..
ReplyDeletecane korg t..
cam aku plak yg xsggup.
aku pon cdey..
bc ni..tetibe aku na nanges..
sry lmbt respon. ey abyan, luv u and the restt too. nini, hehe.. kamu jg famili kami. =)